Postcards not only show the wide diversity of Texas, but also allow us to record a bit of Texas history. Enjoy your travels through time as you view some of the old cards. You will find they are mostly pre-1960, with an occasional modern era card thrown in for good measure.
If you would like to contribute any images to this site, please e-mail your submission(s) to Gina Heffernan.
Most of the images on this web site have been sent to us from postcard hounds and site patrons, so the image quality you will find is varied. We are unable to re-scan a card. We do not own these cards, nor do we have these cards in our possession. What you see online here is what was sent in to us and this is all we have.**** We cannot send you a better quality image. We cannot sell you a copy of a postcard. We cannot tell you where to find a certain postcard to buy. We cannot license a postcard for your use. We cannot sell you reprints for your resale business. We cannot tell you on what street or address a certain building was located. We cannot tell you who owned a building, who built a building, or what year a building was built.
*** Everything we know about any given postcard, we placed online with the postcard. Thank you for understanding and we hope you enjoy browsing through the postcards!
The United States Postal Service began issuing pre-stamped postal cards in 1873. The USPS was the only establishment allowed to print postcards, and it held its monopoly until May 19, 1898, when Congress passed the Private Mailing Card Act which allowed private publishers and printers to produce postcards. The public could mail the private mailing cards for 1½¢ instead of the letter rate of 2½¢. Private Mailing Cards Period, 1898 - 1901; Post Card Period, 1901-1907; Divided Back Period, 1907-1914: White Border Period, 1915-1930; Linen Period, 1930-1944; Modern Photo chrome-style Period, 1939 - to date.
Please feel free to send comments, questions, suggestions, or submissions to the TXGenWeb Postcard Manager, Gina Heffernan.
In memory of Elaine Martin, 1950-2019. Elaine created this virtual collection and maintained it until her illness forced her retirement.
Thank you, Elaine, for donating the Postcard Collection website to the TXGenWeb Project.