Last update 22 February 2019  

Longview, Texas

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Box Factory - 1911
Bramlett Building - 1950's
Broadway Terrace Hotel - 1940's
Brodie Park & City Depot
Brodie Park & City Depot
Brodie Park With Confederate Memorial
Chamber of Commerce - 1939
City Hall
City Park With Confederate Memorial
Confederate Monument - 1910
Cotton Yard
Courthouse With Confederate Monument - 1960's
Depot - T & P
Downtown - 1931
Downtown - 1930's
Downtown - 1940's
Dun Roamin Ranch Motel
Firestation & Hose Cart - 1908
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
First Christian Church
First Christian Church
First Christian Church
First Christian Church
First Methodist Church
First National Bank - 1921
First National Bank - 1930's
First Presbyterian Church
Fredonia Street - 1943
Fredonia Street
Fredonia Street
Glover Crim Building
Gregg Memorial Hospital - 1930's
High School
High School - 1906
High School - 1917
High School - 1930
Hurst Clinic
Hurst Hospital
Jr High School
Kelly Plow Works - 1908
Key Beauty Shop - 1937
Lone Star Motel
Longview Electric Motor Company
Longview Hotel
Longview National Bank
Longview Oil Field - 1932
Masonic Temple - 1913
Mobberly Hotel
Post Office
Post Office & Hilton Hotel - 1940's
Street Car - Mule Drawn
Street Car - Mule Drawn
Street Car - Mule Drawn
Triangle Cafe
Tyler Street
Tyler Street
The White Way - 1914