North Central Counties in Texas
Click one of the counties from the list below.
4 Archer
3 Baylor
50 Bell
37 Bosque
34 Brown
24 Callahan
5 Clay
31 Coke
33 Coleman
35 Comanche
41 Concho
7 Cooke
46 Coryell
12 Denton
25 Eastland
26 Erath
51 Falls
14 Fisher
36 Hamilton
38 Hill
27 Hood
39 Irion
10 Jack
29 Johnson
15 Jones
45 Lampasas
42 McCulloch
47 McLennan
49 Menard
52 Milam
44 Mills
21 Mitchell
6 Montague
22 Nolan
18 Palo Pinto
19 Parker
53 Robertson
32 Runnels
43 San Saba
48 Schleicher
13 Scurry
16 Shackelford
28 Somervell
17 Stephens
30 Sterling
20 Tarrant
23 Taylor
8 Throckmorton
40 Tom Green
2 Wichita
1 Wilbarger
11 Wise
9 Young
3 Baylor
50 Bell
37 Bosque
34 Brown
24 Callahan
5 Clay
31 Coke
33 Coleman
35 Comanche
41 Concho
7 Cooke
46 Coryell
12 Denton
25 Eastland
26 Erath
51 Falls
14 Fisher
36 Hamilton
38 Hill
27 Hood
39 Irion
10 Jack
29 Johnson
15 Jones
45 Lampasas
42 McCulloch
47 McLennan
49 Menard
52 Milam
44 Mills
21 Mitchell
6 Montague
22 Nolan
18 Palo Pinto
19 Parker
53 Robertson
32 Runnels
43 San Saba
48 Schleicher
13 Scurry
16 Shackelford
28 Somervell
17 Stephens
30 Sterling
20 Tarrant
23 Taylor
8 Throckmorton
40 Tom Green
2 Wichita
1 Wilbarger
11 Wise
9 Young