Last update 22 February 2019  

El Paso, Texas

Click the cards for a better view.

Aerial View
Aerial View - El Paso Residences - 1908
Albert Baldwin Sanitarium
Albert Baldwin Sanitarium
Anson Mills Building - 1912
Austin High School
Bataan Memorial Trainway - Ca 1940's
Biggs Field Greegings
Camp Grande
Chamber Of Commerce
Chamber Of Commerce - 1908
Christmas Greetings
Christmas Pudding From El Paso
City Hall - 1910
City Hall - 1911
Civic Center - Ca 1940's
Civic Center
College Of Mines & Metallurgy
Del Camino Coffee Shop - Ca 1940's

Del Camino Courts - 1940's

Del Camino Courts Motel
Dieu Hotel Sisters Hospital - 1950's
Dieu Hotel Hospital - 1907
Downtown - 1882
Downtown - 1906
Downtown - Ca 1910
Downtown - Ca 1930
Downtown - 1950
Downtown - 1950's
Downtown At Night
Elephant Butte Dam
Elks Club -1914
El Paso National Bank - 1920's
Farnsworth Motel
Federal Building & Hotel Sheldon
Federal Building & Hotel Sheldon - 1902
Federal Courthouse
Feeding Alligators - 1909
Five Points Suburban Area - 1916
Ft Bliss
Ft Bliss Greetings
Gold, Silver & Copper Smelter
Heins Famous Food - 1956
High School - Ca 1912
High School & Stadium
Hilton Hotel
Hotel Oredorff & El Paso Plaza - 1910
Hotel Sheldon - 1909
Hotel Sheldon - 1914
Hotel Sheldon - 1920's
International Bridge - 1902
International Bridge - 1927
International Bridge - Ca 1938
Knox Hotel - 1940's
Kress Building
LaFonda Motel
LaPosta Lodge
Little Plaza - 1909
Long Tom Cannon - 1912
Martin Building - Ca 1918
Masonic Temple - 1919
Masonic Temple
Masonic Hospital
McKelligon Canyon
Mesa Avenue - 1920's
Mexican Adobe House - Ca 1910
Military Observation Balloon - 1917
Mills Street - 1916
Mills Street - Ca 1930
Mt Christo Rey
Mt Franklin
Mt Franklin
Municipal Airport - 1940's
Orchestra Of Professor Valles
Paso Del Norte Hotel - Ca 1920's
Paso Del Norte Hotel Interior
Pessoff Tower
Pioneer Plaza - 1920's

Pioneer Plaza - 1950's

Popular Dry Goods - 1922
Post Office - Ca 1905
President Taft & Diaz Meeting Parade
Providence Hospital
Providence Hospital - 1910
Providence Hospital
Public Library - 1909
Public Library
Red Cross Canteen - WWII
Red Mill Courts - Ca 1940's
Red Mill Courts - Ca 1945
Rio Grande Dam
Road To El Paso
San Francisco Street - 1916
San Jacinto Plaza - 1911
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza - Park View
Scenic Drive View
Scottish Rite Cathedral - 1909
South Baptist Sanitorium
Souvenir Card
Spindlers Motel
Street Scene - 1907
Street Scene - 1910
Street Scene - 1950s
Sunset Route Scenes - 1915
Sunset Route Street Scene - Ca 1920
Texas Street - 1910
This Sure Is A Great Place To Rest - In The Ole Southwest
Toltec Club House - 1911
US Customs House - 1909
Union Station
Union Station - 1913
Union Station - 1921
Union Station - 1925
Union Station - 1940's
WWI Card