Texas Postcard Collection
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Last update 22 February 2019
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El Paso, Texas
Click the cards for a better view.
Aerial View
Aerial View - El Paso Residences - 1908
Albert Baldwin Sanitarium
Albert Baldwin Sanitarium
Anson Mills Building - 1912
Austin High School
Bataan Memorial Trainway - Ca 1940's
Biggs Field Greegings
Camp Grande
Chamber Of Commerce
Chamber Of Commerce - 1908
Christmas Greetings
Christmas Pudding From El Paso
City Hall - 1910
City Hall - 1911
Civic Center - Ca 1940's
Civic Center
College Of Mines & Metallurgy
Del Camino Coffee Shop - Ca 1940's
Del Camino Courts - 1940's
Del Camino Courts Motel
Dieu Hotel Sisters Hospital - 1950's
Dieu Hotel Hospital - 1907
Downtown - 1882
Downtown - 1906
Downtown - Ca 1910
Downtown - Ca 1930
Downtown - 1950
Downtown - 1950's
Downtown At Night
Elephant Butte Dam
Elks Club -1914
El Paso National Bank - 1920's
Farnsworth Motel
Federal Building & Hotel Sheldon
Federal Building & Hotel Sheldon - 1902
Federal Courthouse
Feeding Alligators - 1909
Five Points Suburban Area - 1916
Ft Bliss
Ft Bliss Greetings
Gold, Silver & Copper Smelter
Heins Famous Food - 1956
High School - Ca 1912
High School & Stadium
Hilton Hotel
Hotel Oredorff & El Paso Plaza - 1910
Hotel Sheldon - 1909
Hotel Sheldon - 1914
Hotel Sheldon - 1920's
International Bridge - 1902
International Bridge - 1927
International Bridge - Ca 1938
Knox Hotel - 1940's
Kress Building
LaFonda Motel
LaPosta Lodge
Little Plaza - 1909
Long Tom Cannon - 1912
Martin Building - Ca 1918
Masonic Temple - 1919
Masonic Temple
Masonic Hospital
McKelligon Canyon
Mesa Avenue - 1920's
Mexican Adobe House - Ca 1910
Military Observation Balloon - 1917
Mills Street - 1916
Mills Street - Ca 1930
Mt Christo Rey
Mt Franklin
Mt Franklin
Municipal Airport - 1940's
Orchestra Of Professor Valles
Paso Del Norte Hotel - Ca 1920's
Paso Del Norte Hotel Interior
Pessoff Tower
Pioneer Plaza - 1920's
Pioneer Plaza - 1950's
Popular Dry Goods - 1922
Post Office - Ca 1905
President Taft & Diaz Meeting Parade
Providence Hospital
Providence Hospital - 1910
Providence Hospital
Public Library - 1909
Public Library
Red Cross Canteen - WWII
Red Mill Courts - Ca 1940's
Red Mill Courts - Ca 1945
Rio Grande Dam
Road To El Paso
San Francisco Street - 1916
San Jacinto Plaza - 1911
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza
San Jacinto Plaza - Park View
Scenic Drive View
Scottish Rite Cathedral - 1909
South Baptist Sanitorium
Souvenir Card
Spindlers Motel
Street Scene - 1907
Street Scene - 1910
Street Scene - 1950s
Sunset Route Scenes - 1915
Sunset Route Street Scene - Ca 1920
Texas Street - 1910
This Sure Is A Great Place To Rest - In The Ole Southwest
Toltec Club House - 1911
US Customs House - 1909
Union Station
Union Station - 1913
Union Station - 1921
Union Station - 1925
Union Station - 1940's
WWI Card
Copyright © 2005-2025, TXGenWeb Project and managed by Gina Heffernan.
None of these images are for sale, and better (larger, higher resolution) images are not available since we do not have the actual postcards in our possession.