Alamo Plaza Courts Hotel |
Alamo Plaza Courts Hotel |
Alto Motel |
Baldwin, Dr A P Residence - West Ferguson St |
Bois D'Arc Street - 1908 |
Bonner Public School - 1910 |
Broadway Street - Ca 1900 |
Carl's Brown Derby Restaurant - 1940's |
Carnegie Library - 1910 |
City Hall - 1940's |
City Hall - 1940's |
City Hall & Fire Station - 1912 |
Commercial College - 1905 |
Commercial College - 1913 |
Commercial College - 1914 |
Cotton Belt Depot - 1914 |
Country Club |
Downtown Square - 1908 |
First Baptist Church - 1906 |
First Baptist Church - 1908 |
First Christian Church - 1931 |
Gary Public School - 1910 |
Gaston Buick Company - 1935 |
Grapette Bottling Company |
Greetings - 1918 |
Greetings |
Greetings |
Greetings |
Greetings |
Greetings - Ca 1950 |
High School |
Home With Azaleas - 1950's |
Home With Rose Garden - 1940's |
Hotel Blackstone - 1929 |
Hotel Blackstone - 1930's |
Hotel Blackstone - Ca 1940's |
Ideal Bread Company - 1950 |
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church |
J W Gilley Awning Company |
Marvin M E Church |
Masonic Temple - 1949 |
Mother Frances Hospital |
Mother Frances Hospital - 1940 |
Mother Frances Hospital - 1950 |
National Hotel - 1909 |
People National Bank - 1930's |
People National Bank At Night |
Plaza Hotel - 1955 |
Post Office - 1909 |
Post Office - Ca 1920 |
Post Office |
Post Office & Federal Courthouse - 1930's |
Rose Farm |
Rose Fields - 1945 |
Southern Home - 1910 |
St Gregory's Parochial School - 1949 |
State Park - 1945 |
Women's Building |