Last update 02 March 2019  

Waco, Texas

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Alamo Plaza Courts Motel
Amicable Life Insurance Building - 1913
Austin Avenue - 1950's
Austin Avenue - 1950's
Austin Street
Baptist Church
Baylor University - Ladies Boarding Hall - 1905
Baylor University - Pat Neff hall
Being Wooed
Bosque Bridge - 1910
Cameron Park - 1920's
Camp McArthur - 1917
Camp McArthur Mess Line - 1918
Chicken Shack - 1953
Circle - Aerial View
Cotton Belt Depot - Ca 1910
Cotton Palace - 1910
Cotton Palace Exposition - 1912
Cotton Palace Exposition - 1926
Cotton Yard - 1915
Country Club - 1909
Country Waco Home - 1914
Downtown - 1958
Downtown At Night
East Waco Station (appears to be firestation) - Ca 1880's
Elite Cafe - 1950's
Fifth Street South - 1908
Filter Plant
Fire Department Multiview - 1918
Franklin Street - 1912
Franklin Street - 1915
Franklin Street - Aerial
Grande Courts Tourist Apts
Harry Lewis Triple X Thirst Station
Hickory Stick Restaurant
Hopkins Mfg - Buggies & Wagons - 1908
Hotel Raleigh - Ca 1918
Lions Park
Masonic Grand Lodge Temple - 1956
Military Tent Camp - 1918
M K & T Depot - 1908
Motor Inn - 1950's
New State House - 1915
Persimmon Grove Nursery
Post Office - 1912
Providence Hospital
Providence Sanatorium
Railroad Depot - 1920's
Riverside Drive
St Charles Hotel - 1920's
St Francis Mission
St Mary Of Assumption Church
State Children's Home
Sunday School Postcard - 1941
Superior Life Building
Suspension Bridge - 1912
Texas Christian University
Waco Lake
Waco Lake Dam
Washington Street - 1911
Western Motel
Wollen Mills - 1910
YMCA - 1903
YMCA - 1905
YMCA - 1906